20 persons, 9 rooms
Bârsana, Nr. 139, Jud. Maramureș
Barsana, Maramures, Romania
Pension Lia actually means two accommodations, plus a cottage with a room for 3 people. The style of the accommodations is a traditional one, to convey to you the spirit characteristic of our area. Because we want you to have a good time with us, we offer you good accommodation conditions. Everything we make available is distinguished by quality.
The food we offer is mostly their ...own production. We have a garden and animals raised by us. As a result, vegetables and meat or dairy products are mostly their own production.
We offer two event rooms and our own kitchen.
We have refrigerators and freezers for those who want to come up with their products.
Do you love animals? And us! Therefore, under certain conditions and depending on the species, breed or size of the pet, we accept to stay with your friend. But these details we want to discuss on the phone before booking the accommodation.
In the hope that we will see you soon, we wish you a good trip to Barsana!
Children up to 6 years old stay free of charge. For those between 6 and 18 years old, prices are set over the phone.
Smoking is prohibited in all rooms.
20 persons, 9 rooms , 10 bathrooms
*breakfast not included
The are no posted videos.
Bârsana - Muzeul Școlar, ce cuprinde colecții de obiecte și inventar școlar de epocă;
13 km - Stațiunea Ocna Șugatag, cu amenajări de interes balnear cu izvoare minerale clorosodice ( băi sărate );
13 km - Vadu Izei, Vâltoarea și Cazanele de fiert Țuica în stil maramureșean;
20 km - Sighetu Marmației, Muzeul Satului Maramureșean, este un muzeu zonal având ca arie de reprezentare provincia istorică Maramureș;
20 km - Sighetu Marmației, Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului și al Rezistenței;
24 km - Ieud, Biserica de Lemn din Ieud Deal inclusă în Patrimoniul Mondial UNESCO;
31 km - Cavnic, Pârtiile de Schi;
39 km - Săpânța, Cimitirul Vesel faimos pentru crucile viu colorate și versurile cu nuanțele umoristice de pe acestea;
39 km - Săcel, Atelier de Olărit Tănase Burnar, ceramica de Săcel se caracterizează prin culoarea roșie și realizarea după metode dace a obiectelor din ceramică;
42 km - Vișeu de Sus, Mocănița pe Valea Vaserului, este unica cale ferată forestieră activă din Carpați, se organizează călătorii pentru turiști cu trenuri cu abur;
55 km - Moisei, Monumentul Martirilor Români;
61 km - Borșa, Cascada Cailor, care este cea mai mare cascadă din România, cu o căderea de apă de 90m înălțime;
65 km - Complex Borșa, Pârtia de Schi.
The room is arranged in traditional style. All the elements in the room reflect country life with its simplicity and beauty. The beds are covered with hand-woven "waxes" made of sheep's wool. The window is towards sunrise, so in the morning, it is the sun that will wake you up with its warm rays.
Two rooms, apartment type, very suitable for families or groups of friends. The arrangement is traditional, with white and green combining to convey positive emotions and good mood. The windows allow the sun, when it rises, to warm you with its rays.
Room arranged in traditional style with quality things. The room area is not very large, but it is enough to provide excellent hosting conditions.
If you want a cottage just for yourself, we have one. It is suitable for a family or group of friends. The cottage offers a warm, intimate environment... In the morning you can go out and drink the coffee outside on the veranda.
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